"Ire" Series






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"I had provisional rank, and never forgot that."
     "You were more than a provisional officer, Lieutenant Paris,"  stated Tuvok.
   "Thank you, Tuvok.  That's quite a compliment.  But that's not how I saw it."

2nd Place, ASC Awards for Best P/T Story, 1998

Set in an alternate universe, this story studies Paris and the people in his life, altered here by the chance meeting of a lady who would be an unexpected mentor to him.  The result of that is told in descending time in the first two parts, from just before the equivalent of "Hunters" to events six years before "Caretaker," the beginning of this AU. The third part moves forward in time to the end of the 4th season.

Rated R for mature/sexual situations, language and descriptions of violence.   (March-August, 1998--my first fanfic)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
A continuation of the "Irremission" universe, in which the Parises work to bring closure to parts of their lives left unresolved, and deal with the repeating cycles in their lives.  This installment moves between two timeframes-- one taking place between the late fourth to the equivalent eighth season, and the other taking place before and during Tom and B'Elanna's time on Avalar and into their first year on Voyager.

Rated R for mature/sexual situations, language and descriptions of violence.  (January to April, 1999)

Feedback is a fanfic writer's only payment.  Please feel free to feed my mailbox.

Star Trek and its characters belong to Paramount.  I merely think too much.

 ©  D'Alaire M. 1998 - 2009